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KR Governor Timer by Keith Renecle
Re: KR Governor Timer by Keith Renecle
На сайте появилось описание KR GovernorTimer v.2, на русском языке.
Re: KR Governor Timer by Keith Renecle
На сайте, появилась инструкция для KR Governor Timer v.3, на русском языке.
Есть интересные дополнения, в отличии от версии 2.
Работа на пониженных оборотах, для моделей летающих в зале.
Несколько вариантов остановки двигателя.
Есть интересные дополнения, в отличии от версии 2.
Работа на пониженных оборотах, для моделей летающих в зале.
Несколько вариантов остановки двигателя.
Re: KR Governor Timer by Keith Renecle
Ниже настройки для регуляторов фирм ZTW и CASTLE CREATIONS.
Эти настройки для KR Timer, опубликованы на сайте RSM Distribution , они являются (являлись) одним из дилеров Кейта (Keith Renecle). Сейчас данный регулятор можно приобрести у Brodak.
Настройки от RSM Disribution
1) Battery Type - Lipo
3) Start – Start Accel ( the KR Governor has an automatic soft start so this is not needed on the ESC)
4) Brake - ON
5) Timing - Auto
6) Rotation - Reverse
7) Cut off Voltage – 3.2V
8) Cut off power – Reduce Power
Настройки от Брайяна Эзера , Австралия (Brian Eather Castle Creations ESC Settings)
# Castle Link Data File
# Created: Tuesday, October 07, 2014
# Do Not Edit This File By Hand
Hex55: 85
Brake Delay: .6 sec (Delayed) (*)
Brake Ramp: Slow
Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff
Motor Start Power: Medium (59) (*)
Direction: Reverse
Cutoff Voltage: Auto Li-Po (*)
Current Limiting: Sensitive (60A)
Brake Strength: 100% (Hard)
PWM Rate: 12 Khz (*)
Sample Frequency: 5 Sample / Sec
BEC Voltage: 5.0V (*)
Power-On Beep: Enabled (*)
Auto-Lipo Volts/Cell: 3.2 Volts/Cell (*)
Motor Timing: Normal (5) (*)
Data Log Enabled: 204
Vehicle Type: Airplane
Throttle Type: Fixed-Endpoints
Throttle Response: High (8)
Governor Gain: Medium (25)
Initial Spool-Up Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Head Speed Change Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Auto Rotate Enabled: False
Governor Mode Type: Simple
Vehicle Setup - Battery Type: LiPo
Vehicle Setup - Number of Cells: 5
Vehicle Setup - Battery Voltage: 18.5000
Vehicle Setup - Gear Ratio: 1.000
Vehicle Setup - Motor Kv: 770
Vehicle Setup - Motor Number of Poles: 14
Desired Head Speed 1: Optional
Desired Head Speed 2: Optional
Desired Head Speed 3: Optional
Настройки от Клеона Лингвуда, США (Cleon Lingwood Castle Creation ESC Settings)
# Castle Link Data File
# Created: Sunday, March 22, 2015
# Do Not Edit This File By Hand
Auto Rotate Enabled: False
Auto-Lipo Volts/Cell: 3.2 Volts/Cell (*)
BEC Voltage: 5.0V (*)
Brake Delay: .6 sec (Delayed) (*)
Brake Ramp: Slow
Brake Strength: 100% (Hard)
Current Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff (*)
Current Limiting: Normal (70A) (*)
Cutoff Voltage: Auto Li-Po (*)
Data Log Enabled: 255
Desired Head Speed 1: Optional
Desired Head Speed 2: Optional
Desired Head Speed 3: Optional
Direction: Forward (*)
Governor Gain: 50
Governor Mode Type: Simple
Head Speed Change Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Hex55: 85
Initial Spool-Up Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Link Live Enable: Disabled (*)
Motor Start Power: Medium (59) (*)
Motor Timing: Normal (5) (*)
Power-On Beep: Enabled (*)
PWM Rate: 12 Khz (*)
Sample Frequency: 1 Sample / Sec (*)
Throttle Response: High (8)
Throttle Type: Fixed-Endpoints
Vehicle Setup - Battery Type: LiPo
Vehicle Setup - Battery Voltage: 14.8000
Vehicle Setup - Gear Ratio: 1.000
Vehicle Setup - Motor Kv: 870
Vehicle Setup - Motor Number of Poles: 14
Vehicle Setup - Number of Cells: 4
Vehicle Type: Airplane
Voltage Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff (*)
Эти настройки для KR Timer, опубликованы на сайте RSM Distribution , они являются (являлись) одним из дилеров Кейта (Keith Renecle). Сейчас данный регулятор можно приобрести у Brodak.
Настройки от RSM Disribution
1) Battery Type - Lipo
3) Start – Start Accel ( the KR Governor has an automatic soft start so this is not needed on the ESC)
4) Brake - ON
5) Timing - Auto
6) Rotation - Reverse
7) Cut off Voltage – 3.2V
8) Cut off power – Reduce Power
Настройки от Брайяна Эзера , Австралия (Brian Eather Castle Creations ESC Settings)
# Castle Link Data File
# Created: Tuesday, October 07, 2014
# Do Not Edit This File By Hand
Hex55: 85
Brake Delay: .6 sec (Delayed) (*)
Brake Ramp: Slow
Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff
Motor Start Power: Medium (59) (*)
Direction: Reverse
Cutoff Voltage: Auto Li-Po (*)
Current Limiting: Sensitive (60A)
Brake Strength: 100% (Hard)
PWM Rate: 12 Khz (*)
Sample Frequency: 5 Sample / Sec
BEC Voltage: 5.0V (*)
Power-On Beep: Enabled (*)
Auto-Lipo Volts/Cell: 3.2 Volts/Cell (*)
Motor Timing: Normal (5) (*)
Data Log Enabled: 204
Vehicle Type: Airplane
Throttle Type: Fixed-Endpoints
Throttle Response: High (8)
Governor Gain: Medium (25)
Initial Spool-Up Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Head Speed Change Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Auto Rotate Enabled: False
Governor Mode Type: Simple
Vehicle Setup - Battery Type: LiPo
Vehicle Setup - Number of Cells: 5
Vehicle Setup - Battery Voltage: 18.5000
Vehicle Setup - Gear Ratio: 1.000
Vehicle Setup - Motor Kv: 770
Vehicle Setup - Motor Number of Poles: 14
Desired Head Speed 1: Optional
Desired Head Speed 2: Optional
Desired Head Speed 3: Optional
Настройки от Клеона Лингвуда, США (Cleon Lingwood Castle Creation ESC Settings)
# Castle Link Data File
# Created: Sunday, March 22, 2015
# Do Not Edit This File By Hand
Auto Rotate Enabled: False
Auto-Lipo Volts/Cell: 3.2 Volts/Cell (*)
BEC Voltage: 5.0V (*)
Brake Delay: .6 sec (Delayed) (*)
Brake Ramp: Slow
Brake Strength: 100% (Hard)
Current Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff (*)
Current Limiting: Normal (70A) (*)
Cutoff Voltage: Auto Li-Po (*)
Data Log Enabled: 255
Desired Head Speed 1: Optional
Desired Head Speed 2: Optional
Desired Head Speed 3: Optional
Direction: Forward (*)
Governor Gain: 50
Governor Mode Type: Simple
Head Speed Change Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Hex55: 85
Initial Spool-Up Rate: Medium (5) (*)
Link Live Enable: Disabled (*)
Motor Start Power: Medium (59) (*)
Motor Timing: Normal (5) (*)
Power-On Beep: Enabled (*)
PWM Rate: 12 Khz (*)
Sample Frequency: 1 Sample / Sec (*)
Throttle Response: High (8)
Throttle Type: Fixed-Endpoints
Vehicle Setup - Battery Type: LiPo
Vehicle Setup - Battery Voltage: 14.8000
Vehicle Setup - Gear Ratio: 1.000
Vehicle Setup - Motor Kv: 870
Vehicle Setup - Motor Number of Poles: 14
Vehicle Setup - Number of Cells: 4
Vehicle Type: Airplane
Voltage Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff (*)
Re: KR Governor Timer by Keith Renecle
Вот еще один вариант настроек для регуляторов ZTW Mantis (ESC), изменения можно сделать как картой программирования, так и с помощью радио аппаратуры (см. инструкцию к регулятору).
1- brake hard #4
2 - Lipoly #2
3- cut off 2.8v #1
4- auto motor timing #1
5- sbec 5v #1
6- rpm off #1
7- rotation forward if regular prop #1 if reverse pitch prop reverse #2
8- start up strength 50% #9
9- low voltage cut off reduce power #1
1- brake hard #4
2 - Lipoly #2
3- cut off 2.8v #1
4- auto motor timing #1
5- sbec 5v #1
6- rpm off #1
7- rotation forward if regular prop #1 if reverse pitch prop reverse #2
8- start up strength 50% #9
9- low voltage cut off reduce power #1